Climates That Are Best for Strawberry Farming

Strawberry plants flourish in sunny locations and prefer sandy loam soils that drain well. The ideal climate has mild temperatures, plenty of sunshine, and moderate rainfall.
While commercial strawberry farming occurs worldwide, California provides an optimal environment for strawberry cultivation and produces over 90% of the strawberries grown in the United States. Here’s more information on the ideal climatic conditions for growing strawberries.
Sunlight is key for strawberry growth and fruit production. Strawberries require at least eight hours per day of direct sunlight for the best growth and yields. Insufficient sunlight will result in reduced flowering and lower yields.
Strawberries grown in hot climates may need some shading to prevent overheating, but care must be taken not to obstruct too much sun.
Morning sun is essential, as it helps dry dew from the plants, reducing the chance of disease. In coastal California, the plentiful sunshine provides excellent growing conditions for strawberries.
Ideal Temperature For Strawberry Farming
Strawberries grow best in mild, temperate climates. The ideal daily temperatures range from 60-80°F during the day and 45-65°F at night. Temperatures below 30°F kill blossoms and damage fruits.
Hot summer temperatures above 90°F can negatively impact pollination, growth, and yields. Consistently moderate year-round temperatures along the California coast allow for nearly year-round strawberry production.
Inland areas of California and other strawberry farming regions relying on summer harvests can experience challenges from extreme heat. Providing shade and misting during hot spells helps reduce damage.
Strawberries require 1-2 inches of water per week. Rainfall along the California coast typically provides sufficient moisture, though irrigation is used as needed. Because strawberry flowers bloom continuously, wet weather during flowering inhibits pollination and reduces fruit set.
Drip irrigation allows growers to provide controlled amounts of water directly to the plant roots as needed. Mulching around plants also helps conserve soil moisture.
Strawberries thrive in sandy loam soils that drain well while still retaining some moisture. Heavy clay soils tend to become waterlogged, which damages plant roots, while very sandy soils dry out too quickly.
A soil pH between 5.5 and 6.5 is ideal. California’s Central Coast region offers prime agricultural land with well-drained, sandy loam soil, perfect for commercial strawberry farming.
Adding organic matter such as compost improves moisture retention and nutrient levels in native soils. Raised beds ensure good drainage and allow air circulation around plants. Soil testing helps growers amend and enrich soils as needed to optimize conditions.
Protection from Wind
Wind can damage strawberry plants and fruits, drying out soil, breaking plant crowns and stems, and scarring fruit. Ideal strawberry growing sites offer some protection from strong winds yet still allow good air circulation around the plants.
In coastal California, Pacific Ocean winds provide benefits and challenges. Onshore breezes moderate temperatures while persistent winds necessitate windbreaks.
Strategically placed rows of trees, shrubs, or tall crops create barriers against damaging winds while still permitting airflow.
Plastic sheeting around beds also shelters plants during critical growth stages.
California’s ideal climate of sun, moderate temperatures, and alluvial soils lay the foundation for bountiful strawberry harvests.
But it is the generations of farmers leveraging their deep expertise to sustainably cultivate the land that unlocks this potential and yields over 90% of the nation’s sweet, juicy berries.
Through decades of experience, they’ve mastered sustainable practices tailored to their unique microclimates. Their skills and stewardship are as vital as the region’s ideal climate for strawberry farming.